Government Center, Sofia, Aug. 5, 2012. Copyright 2012 John Polich. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Headless Journalism Found In Topless Blog

Journalism has been hijacked by bloggers. This is not news. Readers do not miss editors, the little people behind the scenes. Only you and I know that editors were the top-sergeants who turned words from lazy reporters and sloppy writers into often reliable chronicles of human folly.

We mourn the merciless night city editor who demanded palpable description, who let pass no error or opinion into the next morning's daily newspaper. (Here the editor, invoking "objectivity," might insert the dreaded, "On the other hand....")

On the other hand, perhaps the editor was a parasite, the newsroom equivalent of your banker, living on the spread between reader interest earned and reader interest paid. Perhaps we all are Pulitzer-class capital I reporters. There is precedent. Like gourmands yearning to recreate Paris between the wars, better bloggers like myself identify with the 17th Century European essayists and satirists who stoked social and political fires. To put it bluntly: NENA. No Editor Need Apply.

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